Monday, 3 February 2014

Some More Birding

If you're a birder you may have heard about the Spotted Towhee at a feeder in Georgetown and you probably heard that it doesn't stay for long. If you're not a birder then let me explain. A rare and colourful sparrow was seen in Georgetown and many people went to see it. The problem with this bird is that it doesn't show up for long and when it does, it gets scared easily. 

So anyway, my mom and I decided to drive up to Georgetown to see this elusive sparrow on Saturday. We read the previous reports on it and learned that it shows up at the feeders for 10 am and doesn't stay long. So we drove up there and when we arrived there was only one other couple looking for the bird. There was a very inconvenient snow pile that block the entire bottom of the feeder except for one little tiny area. The longer we stayed, the more we doubted it would show up. Then we saw a somewhat large bird fly under the feeder with white outer tail feathers. We all looked in the small area of the feeder that you could actually see. The bird popped within view for a split second then ran away! I did get one blurry shot of it leaving.

We were so excited that we saw it but unfortunately it left. We decided to stay a while and see if it would come back. 

It did! This time it gave us better views.

After that, the bird left and we went home.

Thanks for reading! I will post what happened on Sunday tomorrow.

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